CJ:SCotF no longer in active development

Well, a lot of you have probably suspected this for a while given my relative silence for quite a while, but I regret to inform you that Chuck Jones: Space Cop of the Future is on indefinite hold. I really did have a
great time working on this, and making a game for DOS was a whole new set of challenges, but ultimately what has hurt this project and prevented me from completing it was a loss of interest in the adventure game genre. I struggled to write narrative and puzzles, even though I had a huge amount of fun writing the engine and especially doing the music. It’s obviously very disappointing to leave the project in this state (only a short demo was released), and I would like to come back to it some day, but I think I will need help if and when I do. The thing that has made this official is that I’m now working on a new game, it’s a 3D RPG (unfortunately not for MS-DOS). If you would like to know more about the new project, I have started a devlog over on YouTube, the first episode serves as an introduction to the project and spends a good portion on why I decided to shelve CJ:SCotF.

Thank you for your understanding,
– Jake S. Del Mastro

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